Find local resources, products and information here!

Looking for local supplies, equipment and other resources for your farm in Fingerlakes Region of New York State?  Scroll down this page and you will see the aall of thoses in Fingerlakes Region of New York State, sorted by county. ALWAYS call before you go to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!

And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the information, please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.

Updates for March 2025

March In the U.S. fall and winter crops like winter squash and apples are still available, but remember, you often need to make bulk orders a season (or 2 ) in advance. So, right now, orders for Spring crops are being taken.

Resource Listings, by county

Click on Resources above, if you need a county map

Genesee County

Monroe County

Ontario County

Orleans County

  • Nanny Naturals - National delivery, sale, trade, Other consumer products to sell on your farm, farm market, gift shop, farm animals
    16998 Ridge Road, Holley, NY 14470. Phone: 585-260-0693. Email: Open: Monday to Sunday, from 6am to 12pm all year around. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx. We offer homemade, cold processed goat milk soap, lotions, and body butters. We have the goats on our farm and milk them twice a day.

Seneca County

Wayne County

Yates County